The Importance of education

Posted by Unknown on Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Education is a conscious and premeditated attempt to create an atmosphere of learning and the learning process so that learners are actively developing the potential for him to have the spiritual strength of religious, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and skills needed him, society, nation and state. The explanation seems obvious, that education is forming national identity that includes three domains, namely cognitive, affective and psychomotor. Reliability / quality of education will affect the life of a nation and society, both present and future. Thus the ability of the nation in the face of the future is determined by the mechanism and the education system are owned and run.Education is the right of every citizen, but still there are some of them who do not get this right. Until now, the biggest opportunity to gain access to a good education only children of the rich and smart. Economic ability to capitalize more than adequate, supported by higher thinking skills, be a contributing factor to gain access to better education. They are a great opportunity to enter elite schools, quality, national standards, and even internationally. This creates an environment conducive to teaching and learning, as supported by the quality of the students who had a high intellect. In addition, the availability of a complete infrastructure that helps to achieve an established education.

Taking into account the condition of national education is not all meet national education standards, according to the authors thought highly consider it necessary to reorganize education in Indonesia in various components. With the complexity of the phenomenon of the future, this nation is not enough just to pass down to generations of education with educational conditions requisite to the weaknesses and shortcomings. Education reform is expected to be done there, the Indonesian people will be able to meet future full of uncertainty. No one will know the state of the future with certainty, although based on the existing data do predictions - predictions, but it's all still approximate and uncertain.Based on the development of science and technology which to date continues to run, the conditions of human life in this world / the one with the other states increasingly there are no limits of space and time. This condition will trigger competition intensifies life of the various sectors of human life, the people and nations who go forth to be able to compete and survive in the world arena. The description shows how important the role of education that will shape the personality and ability of a nation and the world community.

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