Improve the Quality of Education

Posted by Unknown on Wednesday, June 26, 2013

To improve the quality of education we need to look at from many sides. Has many education experts expressed his opinion about the causes and solutions to overcome deterioration in the quality of education Indonesians. With the expert scientific input, the government does not keep silence so national education goals achieved.

Scientific input delivered by experts from countries that successfully implement, such as the United States, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and Singapore have always led to the concept that not always can be adopted and adapted. Due to a variety of different backgrounds. Situation, condition, cultural background and mindset of our nation is certainly not homogeneous with countries that follow. In fact, the concept is imported it seem serve as a "project" that tend to the interests of certain individuals or groups. That is, the project not as a means but as an end.

Some application of pattern quality improvement in Indonesia has a lot to do, but still can not directly give the effect of quality improvement. Among these are efforts to improve the quality of the curriculum changes and other improvement projects; Based Quality Improvement Project Management Schools (MPMBS), Library Project, Project Help Improve Quality Management (BOMM), lmbal Governmental Assistance Project (BIS), Project Procurement Package Books, Projects Improved Teacher Quality, Direct Assistance Fund (DBL), Operasioanal School Aid (BOS) and the Student Special Assistance (BKM). By considering a number of projects, we may conclude that the government has spent a lot of budget funds to finance the project as an effort to improve the quality of education.

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