The Best education Country

Posted by Unknown on Saturday, June 22, 2013

Do you know which country is the quality of education was ranked first in the world? The answer is: Finland. The quality of education in the country with the capital Helsinki, is indeed remarkable that the envy of all teachers in the whole world.

The world number one earned Finland based on a comprehensive international survey in 2003 by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The test known as PISA, measuring the ability of students in Science, Reading, and Mathematics. Remarkably, Finland not only excelled academically but also excel in the education of children mentally weak. Briefly, Finland managed to make all the smart students! So what is the key to Finland being the country with the world's number one education quality?

Finland is not pump students by increasing the hours of study, giving extra homework load, the army discipline, or bombard students with a variety of tests. In contrast, students in Finland start school at a rather slow compared to other countries, ie at the age of 7 years, and at school they are even fewer, only 30 hours per week. Compare with Korea, ranking second after Finland, the students spend 50 hours per week.

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Unknown said...

tampilkan blogku di blogmu dunk..
kayak blogku ..
cekidot :

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