Childhood Education

Posted by Unknown on Thursday, June 27, 2013

Education is an important asset for the advancement of a nation, therefore, every citizen should and must follow the levels of education, both early childhood education, elementary education, secondary education or higher. In the field of education a child from birth requires appropriate services in meeting the educational needs along with understanding of the characteristics of children according to the growth and development will be very helpful in adjusting the learning process for children by age, needs, and each condition, both intellectually, emotionally and social.

Before speaking further, what is early childhood education? Early childhood education (ECD) is the level of education prior to primary education, which is a development effort aimed bagianak from birth until the age of six years are done through the provision of educational stimulation to assist the growth and development of mind and body so that children have a readiness to enter the education further, organized in formal, non-formal, and informal.
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Why is early childhood education is very important?

Posted by Unknown

primarily based upon the analysis results about 50% capabilities intelligence adults have occurred whenever the kid was 4, 8, 0% have been a rapid development of one's brain tissue when the infants were 8 years recent and reached its peak whenever the kid was 18 years recent, and after its done though improved nutrition can don't have any effect on cognitive development.

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Improve the Quality of Education

Posted by Unknown on Wednesday, June 26, 2013

To improve the quality of education we need to look at from many sides. Has many education experts expressed his opinion about the causes and solutions to overcome deterioration in the quality of education Indonesians. With the expert scientific input, the government does not keep silence so national education goals achieved.

Scientific input delivered by experts from countries that successfully implement, such as the United States, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and Singapore have always led to the concept that not always can be adopted and adapted. Due to a variety of different backgrounds. Situation, condition, cultural background and mindset of our nation is certainly not homogeneous with countries that follow. In fact, the concept is imported it seem serve as a "project" that tend to the interests of certain individuals or groups. That is, the project not as a means but as an end.

Some application of pattern quality improvement in Indonesia has a lot to do, but still can not directly give the effect of quality improvement. Among these are efforts to improve the quality of the curriculum changes and other improvement projects; Based Quality Improvement Project Management Schools (MPMBS), Library Project, Project Help Improve Quality Management (BOMM), lmbal Governmental Assistance Project (BIS), Project Procurement Package Books, Projects Improved Teacher Quality, Direct Assistance Fund (DBL), Operasioanal School Aid (BOS) and the Student Special Assistance (BKM). By considering a number of projects, we may conclude that the government has spent a lot of budget funds to finance the project as an effort to improve the quality of education.
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Improve Teacher Professionalism, Educator and Curriculum

Posted by Unknown

Guide curriculum and school management will not mean anything as good as if not handled by a professional teacher. Because the demands on teacher professionalism is often asked the business community / industry, legislative, and government is the natural thing to be addressed wisely.
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Bobby Blue Band School Education

Posted by Unknown on Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Mr. Bland was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1992 and received a Grammy Award for lifetime achievement in 1997.
Robert Calvin Brooks was born on Jan. 27, 1930, in Millington, Tenn., just north of Memphis. His father, I. J. Brooks, abandoned the family when Bobby was very young. His mother, Mary Lee, married Leroy Bridgeforth, who also went by the name Leroy Bland, when Bobby was 6.
Mr. Bland dropped out of school in the third grade to work in the cotton fields. Though he never learned to write music or play an instrument, he cited the music of the pioneering blues guitarist T-Bone Walker as an early influence.

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Mellody Hobson View

Posted by Unknown

Mellody is responsible for firm-wide management and strategic planning, overseeing all operations outside of research and portfolio management. Additionally, she serves as chairman of the board of trustees for Ariel Investment Trust. Beyond her work at Ariel, Mellody has become a nationally recognized voice on financial literacy and investor education. She is a regular contributor and analyst on finance, the markets and economic trends for CBS News. She also contributes weekly money tips on the Tom Joyner Morning Show and pens a column for Black Enterprise magazine. As a passionate advocate for investor education, she is a spokesperson for the Ariel/Hewitt Study: 401(k) Plans in Living Color and the Ariel Black Investor Survey, both of which examine investing patterns among minorities. Mellody is chairman of the board for DreamWorks Animation SKG, Inc. as well as a director of The Estée Lauder Companies Inc., Groupon, Inc., and Starbucks Corporation. Her community outreach includes serving as chairman of After School Matters, a non-profit that provides Chicago teens with high quality, out-of-school time programs. Furthermore, she is a board member of the Lucas Cultural Arts Museum, The Chicago Public Education Fund, The Sundance Institute and is on the board of governors of the Investment Company Institute. Mellody earned her AB degree from Princeton’s Woodrow Wilson School of International Relations and Public Policy. She also received honorary doctorate degrees in humanities from both Howard University and St. Mary’s College.
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Wimbledon School

Posted by Unknown

named as one in every of the highest uk centres of excellence in 2010, 2011 & 2012 ( in line with british council inspection reports ), we offers a large choice of quality english language courses utilizing a perfect london location, utilizing a lovely building by having lovely garden within the whole centre of wimbledon, only 5 minutes due to station, retailers and different facilities, and simply 20 minutes from central london. established in 1964, our extremely friendly english language school is one in every of the oldest within the whole uk and most definitely has about 250 students of all ages from 16 to 83, from over 60 totally different countries. we are conjointly a cambridge english and ielts exam centre. learn english with us and luxuriate in quality education utilizing a perfect london location.
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The Best education Country

Posted by Unknown on Saturday, June 22, 2013

Do you know which country is the quality of education was ranked first in the world? The answer is: Finland. The quality of education in the country with the capital Helsinki, is indeed remarkable that the envy of all teachers in the whole world.

The world number one earned Finland based on a comprehensive international survey in 2003 by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The test known as PISA, measuring the ability of students in Science, Reading, and Mathematics. Remarkably, Finland not only excelled academically but also excel in the education of children mentally weak. Briefly, Finland managed to make all the smart students! So what is the key to Finland being the country with the world's number one education quality?

Finland is not pump students by increasing the hours of study, giving extra homework load, the army discipline, or bombard students with a variety of tests. In contrast, students in Finland start school at a rather slow compared to other countries, ie at the age of 7 years, and at school they are even fewer, only 30 hours per week. Compare with Korea, ranking second after Finland, the students spend 50 hours per week.
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The main frame of education

Posted by Unknown on Friday, June 21, 2013

education by carter v. sensible ( in djumransyah, 2006 : 24 ) will be the one talent method within the kind of prevailing attitudes and behavior in society. meanwhile, per godfrey thompson that education is environmental influences on people in order out to make permanent changes within the habits of behavior, thoughts and attitudes.
john stuart mill ( in abubakar, 1982 : 8 ) states that the education it includes everything that would be made by an individual for himself or other players who worked for him, in the aim of bring him in the level of perfection.

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The Function of Computer Education

Posted by Unknown on Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Creating a motivational learning environment is one of the major objectives of educators and instructional designers. Researchers had theorized different strategies to facilitate greater learner engagement and interactions with instructional materials in a variety of disciplines, especially in those areas where students tend to view as boring, daunting, and difficult. Using educational video games, educational computer games in particular, is among the uprising strategies being used as motivational tools because it provides an environment of enjoyment and challenging among others. Many instructional materials were designed and delivered using educational computer games in many areas such as in military, medical education, and corporation training. Educational computer games were also deployed for learners of different ages such as preschoolers, teenagers, and adults. With more and more people learning through non-traditional channels, that is schools and textbooks, educational computer games seem to be an instructional strategy that can have tremendous influences in social and culture perceptions to the information age.
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Programmer Education

Posted by Unknown

Computer programming is one of the courses that students often view as boring and difficult. Computer science education is a relatively new discipline compare to other ones. Before researchers started to realize the importance of computer science education, much of effort was put into the improvement of new speed and technique and computer programming was regard as a job for professional. With personal computer become more affordable and prevalent, most major colleges and universities offer computer programming courses from basic to advance to meet industry demand. Many researchers argued that we should view the process of learning to program as a method of developing intellectual and thinking skills. (Bork, 1981; Nickerson, 1982; Papert, 1980) However, computer programming is not a simple task that can be mastered in a short period (Feldgen & Clua, 2004; Jenkins, 2001). It is a cognitive task that has high complexity. (Letovsky, 1986) Previous research studies found that students lost interest after taking a basic computer programming course. (McKinney & Denton, 2004) One of the reasons is the novice programmer does not have the required cognitive skills on which the basic computer programming schemas are built when he/she first learn to program computer software. (Hoc, 1988; Kahney, 1988; Perkins & Martin, 1986)

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Critical Conflict in Education

Posted by Unknown

According to the critical conflict perspective, one of educational institutions main functions is to reduce social inequalities within society. However, inequalities are being perpetuated based on class, race, and gender. The conflict perspective focuses on power and resources when analyzing any social problem and when looking at education, the disbursement of funds is a critical component to the perpetuation of those inequalities. Those who have the power and resources are the one’s making decisions as to where the money goes and how much goes there. Our society is separated into classes based on wealth so if the wealthy people are making financial decisions their focus would be on what would benefit their class not lower classes.

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Structural Functional of Education

Posted by Unknown

The functionalist perspective on education is that education has five major manifest functions within society. Those functions are:
·         Socialization – each level of education teaches acceptable and unacceptable behaviors
·         Transmission of culture – each generation is taught societal norms, cultural values, attitudes, and behavior
·         Social control – teaching values such as discipline, respect, obedience, punctuality, and perseverance
·         Social  placement – training and identifying qualified people to fill available positions in different parts of society to keep the machine running
·         Change & innovation – schools are a place for one to grow and learn new programs and ideas that would ultimately assist in the growth of society.

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Education is Problem

Posted by Unknown

A social problem is “a social condition or a pattern of behavior that people believe warrants public concern and collective action to bring about change”. One of the ways to bring about change is to educate. Unfortunately, many argue that there is a breakdown in our educational system that places education under the umbrella of a social problem.

Education is obtained through several channels including homeschooling, private schools, public schools, and more recently charter schools. Each of these educational institutions has a common goal that is to give knowledge to or develop the abilities of someone by teaching.

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Introduction to the Establishment of Educational Technology Concepts

Posted by Unknown

Based on the historical approach, Januszewski (2001: 2-15) reveals that the early stages of development as an introduction to the concepts and terms based educational technology and sharpened by the following three factors: First, engineering (Bern, 1961; Szabo, 1968); Second, science (Finn, 1953, Ely, 1970; Jorgenson, 1981; Saettler, 1990; Shorck, 1990), and third, the development of the Audio Visual education movement (Ely, 1963; Ely, 1970; Jorgerson, 1981; Saettler, 1990 ; Shrock, 1990). From the study results showed that technology and education are associated with the interdependence of these three factors (engineering, science, and audiovisual education).

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History of Educational Technology

Posted by Unknown

In the 1960s educational technology into one study that a lot of attention in the education expert. At first, the development of educational technology is a continuation of studies on the use of Audiovisual, and learning in the education program. The study is essentially an attempt to solve the problem of human learning (human learning). Solutions were taken through assessment of educational technology that needs to learn to use problem-solving approaches appropriate to enable the use of many learning resources (learning resources).The development of educational technology studies produced various educational concepts and practices that are making use of the media as a source of learning. Therefore, there is a perception that educational technology with the media, but the media position serves as a means to facilitate the delivery of information or learning materials. In terms of the education system, the position serves to strengthen the technological education curriculum development, especially in the design and development, as well as its implementation, even assuming that there is a curriculum related to "what", while educational technology examines the "how". In relation to learning, educational technology strengthens in various ways and techniques to engineer began stage of the design, development, utilization of a variety of learning resources, implementation, and assessment and program learning outcomes.

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Character Education

Posted by Unknown

education character is an effort so that you can build character ( character building ) learners to get higher. thus, the character and temperament on your students are incredibly very easy to came upon. characters will etymologically be interpreted as one thing innate that affect behavior, manners, habits, or temperament. whereas the terminology, the character might well be interpreted by having spiritual quality, morals or manners that characterize an individual or a bunch. it aims to form the character of students who complete, up not far away from the purpose of realization of perfect man. in spite of this, it could well be clarified with in effort to realize the spiritual, emotional, intellectual, and aesthetic. in connection with that, the empirical nature might well be seen that the character on your nation is increasingly showing signs associated with a terribly sad and troubling us all. their lives are contradictory, not solely outside on your educational environment, but in addition it's done by your students within the childrens educational future.

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The Ideal Education Part I

Posted by Unknown

Curriculum is not a foreign word among educators. An educational process should involve what is called the curriculum. Broadly speaking, how the educational process is ideally conducted, should be reflected in the relevance of curriculum content that is made to the educational process.

It is very interesting when the question arises: whether the curriculum is relevant to the ideal of education? To seek the truth of this question, we can use the approach to philosophy. There are three foundation questions to find the truth on the basis of ontological questions, epistemological and axiological.

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Technology Education

Posted by Unknown

Technology education is often defined as the application of scientific principles in solving learning problems. According to experts, the science and technology is integral to efforts to find a resolution in a variety of educational issues. The early activity once worked in educational technology is developing programmed learning. The presence of a computer, the birth of video programs and products can be used in interactive multimedia learning activities.
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Teachers and education

Posted by Unknown

The young generation of the nation, certainly not born with it. They should be prepared ahead of time by providing skills and education. Therefore the quality of education is fundamental in shaping the nation's future quality. Teachers as one of the pillars of education has an important role in improving the quality of education.
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The Importance of education

Posted by Unknown

Education is a conscious and premeditated attempt to create an atmosphere of learning and the learning process so that learners are actively developing the potential for him to have the spiritual strength of religious, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and skills needed him, society, nation and state. The explanation seems obvious, that education is forming national identity that includes three domains, namely cognitive, affective and psychomotor. Reliability / quality of education will affect the life of a nation and society, both present and future. Thus the ability of the nation in the face of the future is determined by the mechanism and the education system are owned and run.Education is the right of every citizen, but still there are some of them who do not get this right. Until now, the biggest opportunity to gain access to a good education only children of the rich and smart. Economic ability to capitalize more than adequate, supported by higher thinking skills, be a contributing factor to gain access to better education. They are a great opportunity to enter elite schools, quality, national standards, and even internationally. This creates an environment conducive to teaching and learning, as supported by the quality of the students who had a high intellect. In addition, the availability of a complete infrastructure that helps to achieve an established education.

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What is IT Education?

Posted by Unknown on Monday, June 17, 2013

IT Education is very important in our live... 

The globe of your new toy is fast-paced and constantly changing. people inquisitive about it got to be up to date inside the lastest advances and really ought to be trained in order to come back periodically for additional coaching so you can ensure skills are honed. microsoft courses while a kind others are half associated with a welll-rounded it education. areas of study embrace software technology, pc science, software administration, business method administration, and selling management. any kind of employment within the realm of data technology involves an intense job position requiring rigorous studies. but, for our person who loves each aspect of computers, it education happens to firmly be the manner to visit. those who opt to specialize n data technology will rest secure within the proven fact that they're valuable assets to any business. 

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